Our Sheep

Olde English Babydoll Southdown Sheep are sometimes referred to as miniature Southdowns but in fact, they are a true heritage breed – the original Southdowns, and ancestors to all other Down breeds.

Babydolls were never "miniaturized.” On the contrary, Olde English Southdowns were bred with larger varieties to create what are known today as American Southdowns. The Babydoll Southdown "miniature" name was established to distinguish the heritage breed from the taller Southdowns, and to maintain the original breed standard. To learn more about the heritage breed and its history, click here or here.

Papa Franciscus – Ram

Papa Franciscus

Papa Franciscus is our gorgeous black ram. He’s a gentle guy and has given us some adorable lambs. He is registered through the North American Babydoll Southdown Sheep Association Registry (NABSSAR).


Brother Rocky

Rocky is our patriarch ram, and he produces beautiful breed-standard babies. Rocky is registered through the North American Babydoll Southdown Sheep Association Registry (NABSSAR).

Sister Cecelia

Sister Cecelia

Sister Cecelia would like to know your business. She is full of personality and is registered through the North American Babydoll Southdown Sheep Association Registry (NABSSAR).

Sister Serafina

Sister Serafina

Sister Serafina will dance, sing, and hustle for treats. She is registered through the North American Babydoll Southdown Sheep Association Registry (NABSSAR).

Sister Fidelis – Ewe

Sister Fidelis

Sister Fidelis is our newest ewe and will be ready for the 2024/25 breeding season. She is registered through the North American Babydoll Southdown Sheep Association Registry (NABSSAR).


Sister Penelope

Sister Penelope grows the best wool. It’s her superpower. Penelope is registered through the North American Babydoll Southdown Sheep Association Registry (NABSSAR).

Sister Clare

Sister Clare is a mysterious gal who likes to keep you guessing. She is registered through the North American Babydoll Southdown Sheep Association Registry (NABSSAR).

Sister Marietta

Sister Marietta

Sister Marietta is a woolly gal with a taste for loud music. She is registered through the North American Babydoll Southdown Sheep Association Registry (NABSSAR).

Sister Mary Katherine

Sister Mary Katherine is the offspring of Sister Marietta and Rocky. She is registered through the North American Babydoll Southdown Sheep Association Registry (NABSSAR).

Sister Anna

Sister Anna is one of twin offspring of Sister Serafina and Rocky. She is registered through the North American Babydoll Southdown Sheep Association Registry (NABSSAR).